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The B.I.Stander Podcast is a local and cultural long conversation podcast serving Bainbridge Island, Washington community.

Please support the podcast by liking and subscribing everywhere you see us.  Thanks in advance for your support. With out your support this would not be possible.

Aug 23, 2019

Today we talk to Bainbridge Island council member Leslie Schneider 

About Councilmember Leslie Schneider

She has been an active advocate for sustainability and local economy since 1992 when I started volunteering for Sustainable Seattle and later for the Business Alliance for Local Living Economy. I love how the...

Aug 18, 2019

Today we listen to JENNIFER DUMPERT Dreaming on the Edges of Mind. 

The B.I.STANDER Podcast is a conversational podcast unique to Bainbridge Island and Seattle that covers culture, current events, humor, music, sports, technology, politics, island activities, environment, quality of life issues, wellness and just...

Aug 3, 2019

Today we review the 2nd Democratic Debate with Joel Underwood


The B.I.STANDER Podcast is a conversational podcast unique to Bainbridge Island and Seattle that covers culture, current events, humor, music, sports, technology, politics, island activities, environment, quality of life issues, wellness and just...