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The B.I.Stander Podcast is a local and cultural long conversation podcast serving Bainbridge Island, Washington community.

Please support the podcast by liking and subscribing everywhere you see us.  Thanks in advance for your support. With out your support this would not be possible.

Apr 3, 2019

Today with welcome Karl Eikenberry, a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan.

The B.I.STANDER PODCAST is a conversational podcast unique to Bainbridge Island and Seattle that covers culture, current events, humor, sports, technology, politics, island activities, environment, quality of life issues, wellness and just about everything else.

The intent is to introduce interesting people, ideas, and conversations. We are not perfect and that's OK! Thank you for your understanding. 

Our Podcast is brought to you by:

Town Hall & The Summit on Pike

Eagle Harbor Insurance

Blue Canary

Great Northern Electric

Scott Lever RePointe real estate group

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Music performed by Band of Steves of The Island Music Guild.


*additional sound effects from